Knee arthroscopy in Delhi is a minimally invasive procedure that allows access and treatment of injuries that affect the various structures of the joint. For this, 2 or 3 small incisions of less than one centimeter are made that allow access to the joint.

Tendinitis is an inflammatory condition that develops in the patellar tendon, due to twists, tears, or tendon damage. Tendons are fibers that connect muscles to bones. Knee tendinitis occurs most often due to overuse of the knee joint.

If you have repeat (inguinal) hip pain and are an athlete or frequently engage in physical activity with discomfort during or after this activity, you may have a hip pinch or hip impingement. A lesion or incipient cartilage can give the first symptoms, explains the orthopaedic in Delhi.

The long bones are part of the skeleton of the limbs. Through them, large-amplitude movements are performed, such as current gestures of daily life (the bones of the thoracic limb) as well as those necessary for walking (the bones of the pelvic limb). The diaphysis of the long bones are frequently exposed to trauma leading to fractures, says the ...

The bursae are small sacs filled with fluid that are found near the joints. The bursae help the joints to move easily, allowing the muscles and tendons to slide over the bones and other structures. The human body has over 150 bursae in its composition.

Knee prosthesis is the best alternative to improve quality of life in those who suffer from severe pain and have mobility problems. Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent pathologies that has the most impact on the well-being of adults over the age of 50.

The hip represents a very complex part of the body, which allows movements of the lower extremities, standing, sitting, and supports the pelvic organs. However, the hip joint is very fragile and susceptible to developmental and traumatic deformations. Therefore, when patients complain of hip pain, the cause of the problem is usually found in the...

It is now easy to treat serious bone problems with the start of technological developments and this was made possible with modern orthopaedic implants.

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